There are many reasons people, both young and old, either stop voting or never do. Some of them we probably cannot change (the electoral college), but others we can. Like the way the Democratic Party nominates its candidate for President.
I’m not a highly-paid DNC consultant (who’s job it is to get people to get out and vote for the Democratic party), and don’t feel like writing some long-winded story today about how stupid the entire Iowa Caucus is.
I don’t feel like wading through the tedious details about how convoluted and complicated the entire electoral process is in Iowa, a matter our party has complete responsibility for, and can change without House Republicans etc. blocking us.
So I will summarize my opinion, on one of the reasons people may no longer feel motivated to vote. Whether a Bernie or Hillary supporter, an extreme amount of enthusiasm, energy, and volunteer hours went into their respective campaigns. It really doesn’t matter that the media-driven “winner” narrative wasn’t actually selected by coin-tosses or not. And now many of those volunteers and caucus goers are pissed:
Why. The. Fuck. Are. Any. Delegates. Selected. By. A. Coin. Toss.
Especially when they weren’t even technically tied in popular “votes”, but just random county delegates (am I not understanding Laura Clawson’s story correctly? please explain otherwise below).
Why. The. Fuck. Cannot. We. Know. The. Actual. Popular. Vote. Counts.
Let alone how many coin flips there actually were?
Why. The. Fuck. Is. This. So. Complicated.
I guess we can just blame young people and paying consultants instead. Our we could step-back from the Hillary vs. Bernie narrative for a moment, and fix it.